AGH University provides free webinars to improve organizations

Webinars helping businesses, governments, and not-for-profits achieve their goals and tackle timely issues.

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Upcoming webinars

Check back soon for upcoming webinars. In the meantime, explore our on-demand section below.

On-demand webinars

Accounting & FinanceBack to top
business valuation webinar

A business owner’s guide to valuation

business valuation webinar

Evaluating opportunity for business valuations and transactions during COVID-19

finance 101 webinar

Financial statements 101: Your business' report card

Lease accounting webinar

Lease accounting: What you need to know

bank valuation webinar

What determines value in a bank? Purchase price allocation trends and tips

Government & Not-For-ProfitBack to top
GASB update webinar

2020 GASB Update: How to prepare for implementation

COVID single audit

A refresher of CARES Act funding and effect on Single Audits

GASB 68 webinar

GASB 68, accounting and financial reporting for pensions

GASB 72 webinar

GASB statement No. 72, fair value measurement and application

GASB 75 webinar

GASB statement No. 75, accounting and financial reporting for postemployment benefits other than pensions

GASB 87 webinar

GASB 87: Lease implementation is here

GASB 96 webinar

How to implement GASB 96 & maintain compliance

Government outsourcing webinar

Government financial series: Before you do it yourself, ask these questions

Governmental budgeting webinar

Government financial management part 1: Budgeting for outcomes - the practical application

Goverment fiscal policy webinar

Government financial management part 2: Construction and use of common fiscal policies

Government debt management webinar

Government financial management part 3: Debt management

Governmental financial planning webinar

Government financial series: How long-term financial planning helps save critical resources

Governmental financial planning webinar

Government financial series: How long-term financial planning helps save critical resources part 2

Tax and accounting compliance for non-profits

How successful not-for-profits avoid common accounting and tax pitfalls

Uniform grant guidance webinar

The new Uniform Grant Guidance: Executive overview

Uniform grant guidance webinar

The new Uniform Grant Guidance: Cost allowability

Uniform Grant Guidance webinar

The new Uniform Grant Guidance: Grants administration

Uniform grant guidance webinar

Uniform Grant Guidance: Overview, changes and lessons learned

KMAAG 2021

What you need to know about the 2021 KMAAG

HR & PayrollBack to top
destination employer webinar

Become a destination employer: 5 factors you must get right

Compensation review webinar

Conducting a compensation review - Why now and how to get it done

fringe benefits taxation webinar

Fringe benefits reporting and taxation: What employers should know

Employee recruitment webinar

How to find employees and keep them

Year-end payroll webinar

How to prepare for year-end and 2023 payroll compliance

Employee recruitment webinar

How to win the talent wars without overpaying

employee retention

Strategies for creating a workplace employees don’t want to leave

Human resources risks webinar

Top five human capital risks – And what to do about them

HR analytics

Using HR analytics to drive business innovation

Human resources audit webinar

Using HR audits to reduce risk, retain employees and improve profitability

Leadership & ManagementBack to top
family business pitfalls

5 surefire ways to screw up your family business

Improving soft skills webinar

6 steps to improving employee soft skills – Along with productivity and profitability

HR trends for 2020 webinar

A to Z for 2020 and beyond: Top trends impacting workplaces

Strategic planning discipline

Applying discipline to implement your strategic plan & accelerate your organization

2021 workplace trends

Building better workplaces: 2021’s emerging trends

Executive coaching webinar

Growing your own: Use executive coaching to prepare high potential leaders

board of directors webinar

How to create a board of directors that boosts your organization

Employee reinforcement webinar

How to magnify employee potential using positive reinforcement

Improving innovation

Innovation steps any organization can put into action

Time management webinar

Leaders: Why you should say no like a boss

Business decision making webinar

Making good business decisions quickly

Business planning webinar

Planning for an economic downturn while business is still good

Workplace collaboration webinar

Stop hating, start collaborating: Bridging workplace differences

Outsourcing webinar

Successful outsourcing: When to do it & how to manage it

Next generation business webinar

The business case for developing next generation leaders and how to make it happen

Employee motivation webinar

The key to harder working, more motivated employees

Coaching soft skills webinar

The manager's survival guide to coaching employees with poor soft skills

Strategic planning webinar

Using strategic planning to drive long-term results

Strategic planning failure webinar

Why strategic plans “stall-out” and how to light the fire

Retirement PlanBack to top
Plan sponsor best practices

Best practices for plan sponsors

401(k) recruitment webinar

Measuring what matters in your 401(k) plan for recruitment, retention and reward

qualified retirement plan errors webinar

Qualified retirement plans: How to avoid common errors with audits & stay ahead of compliance issues

Retirement plan liability webinar

The buck stops with you: Retirement plan liability management

why retirement plans fail webinar

Why retirement plans fail – And how to fix them

Risk Management & TechnologyBack to top
Cybersecurity webinar

Cybersecurity: Protect your organization from cybercriminals

Organizational risk webinar

Don’t be a statistic: How to manage your organization’s risk

Information risk webinar

Information risk is business risk: Find and manage yours

Information security webinar

Information security: A primer for business leaders

fraud prevention webinar

Thieves within part 1: Are you a victim of your own employees?

fraud prevention small business webinar

Thieves within part 2: Powerful fraud prevention tools for small business

Succession & Exit PlanningBack to top
prepare for sale of business webinar

10 steps to prepare your business for a sale

management succession plan

Building your bench for success: Management and key position succession planning

passing business to family or employees webinar

Exit strategies for business owners part 2: Passing on your legacy to family or employees

succession planning holistically

Succession and exit planning: A holistic approach

business transition webinar

Transitioning your business: Myths and truths

your succession planning team

Your succession planning team: How to get the best out of your advisors

1099 compliance webinar

1099 compliance in 2023: Prepare by year-end 2022

Tax strategies webinar

Tried & true tax strategies still ticking


AGH University offers complimentary education resources for professionals in businesses, public sector entities, and CPA firms on a broad range of topics.

Our speakers have direct experience and training in the topics they present, understand the requirements of CPE and/or HR presentations, and have taken the time to prepare each topic specifically for professional education.

AGH University is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses of CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Some programs, as indicated, have been approved for HR credit by the HR Certification Institute or for PDC credit by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

AGH University is a subsidiary of CPA and advisory firm Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C. and its affiliates. For questions about a specific webinar, program materials, or CPE certifications, please contact webinar facilitator Annette Lough at 316.267.7231 or by email. For questions, refunds, concerns or program policies, please contact education program administrator Annette Lough at 316.267.7231 or by email.