Reduce your administration burden
One of the OMB’s goals in issuing the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Supercircular”), was to reduce the administrative burden associated with federal grants. Did they actually achieve that goal? Changes intended to “streamline” the guidance could actually lead to more requirements for some entities. Are you ready?
What you'll learn
- Identify the major changes pertaining to grants administration
- Learn about expanded requirements for internal controls
- Compare / contrast new and existing guidance in key areas such as: procurement, equipment and property management, and financial reporting
- Develop an understanding of the new subrecipient monitoring requirements
- Outline how your organization can prepare over the next six months
Who should watch
- Grant program administrators, managers and staff
- Accounting and finance personnel
- Purchasing/procurement personnel
- Internal auditors
- Executives and managers seeking more insight into the grants reforms